A Winter Getaway

Kaslo, B.C.

The snowpack this year was very low and cross-country skiing, our normal winter activity is terrible, so we needed a break from the winter doldrums so we decided to head up to Ainsworth Hot Springs for a couple of days.

We found an AirBnb in Kaslo. Kaslo is a very nice little town, especially this time of year. It does, however, get a bit overrun in the summer months. The AirBnb was previously a taco bar that has been redone.It was very spacious and clean. It was also right across the street from a good coffee shop and next door to a great little gear shop.

We have been to Ainsworth before, it is always a nice place to go soak and it was not too crowded this time of year.

All in all, it was an enjoyable couple of days away.

See Photos HERE



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